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About Us – Expert Witness

With the right expert witness on your side, you could:Bullseye

​* Get back all the money you put into the plan in the first place
* Reduce or eliminate the fines and penalties
* Get into compliance so the IRS has no reason to attack you
* Sue the agent, promoter, and/or insurance company that got you involved with the plan. Some companies have initiatives in place to make a business owner whole again.

Experience You Can Rely On All the professional services of Mr. Wallach which you require in order to protect you family, your business and yourself from IRS audits.

Organization and Consistency We stay on top of our tasks to make sure that they are properly completed, as well as consistently do what is necessary to always have success.

Results That Exceed Expectation ​For over 25 years, successful individuals have turned to Lance Wallach and his team of accountants, attorneys and ex-IRS agents, and they are glad they did! 

Lance Wallach has never lost a case!

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